The Physiotherapist
Physiotherapist Eduardo Lima does a proper and dedicated job while checking each patient's needs, as continuously updating the methods and techniques used in his occupation. His differential applies to working with Global Postural Re-education (RPG-Souchard), and Analytic Physiotherapy (Concept Sohier), in one-hour sessions. His work is characterized by his patients satisfaction and reliability.
- Physiotherapy graduation at PUC-Campinas (December 2008)
- Graduate specialization in "Locomotive System in Sports" at Unifesp-Cete (December 2009)
- Basic free RPG-Souchard course (2010)
- Advanced RPG-Souchard courses regarding joint injuries (2011) and cervical pathologies (2012)
- Concept-Sohier Analytic Physiotherapy course in 2012, and its specialization in 2014
- Postgraduate course in Osteopathy - Escuela de Osteopatia de Madrid (in progress - 2016)