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Case 4: Administrator and biologist, 36 years old.
Main Injury: Disc bulging at L3-L4 and L4-L5.

The patient complains about pain since the pregnancy (4 years before the exams), which got worse at its end. The worst position for the patient is the prone position, but as time went by, the stomach-up position has started to be bothersome as well. It felt like a "pinching" pain, considered to be acute.

After going through 3 months of treatment, during the 10th session, she was feeling no more pain. She felt sporadic pain over time, though they were much less painful than in its initial state. The patient goes through sessions up to this day to correct her posture and prevent new injuries.

Case 3: Training analyst, 36 years old.
Main Injury: C4-C5 and C5-C6 disc protrusions.

The patient complains about pain and numbness on cervical and right upper limb areas, as well as limited cervical movements. It has started 2 years prior the exams. At that time, cervical pain was noted, and after handling a mallet, he felt pain and numbness on the right upper limb. He still feels pain and stress in trapezius muscle, upper fibers, especially at right side.

RPG and Sohier treatment would be the last resort to be performed before taking the patient to surgery, i.e., there was already a surgery indication in this case. The 13th session was the first in which the patient felt no more pain (after having started the treatment for 2 months).

Then, he felt some sore and sporadic muscular stress, and did not complain about numbness anymore. He has started the treatment in August/2013 and has begun to attend sessions biweekly after the 40th session (9 months after starting the treatment), starting the maintenance phase.

Finally, the patient did not need to go through a cervical surgery, virtually feels no more pain nor numbness, improving his quality of life and work performance.

Case 2: Retiree, worked in telemarketing and parking companies, Tamboréu practitioner, 58 years old.
Main Injury: C5-C6 disc protrusions.

The patient felt a cervical pain and right upper limb pain + paresthesia (tingling). He felt the tingling at left side sporadically. The symptoms started to arise some days after making a rough movement with his right arm during Tamboréu practices, feeling a "shock" all along his back.

He performed 21 RPG and Sohier sessions from February/2015 until July/2015. He still attends the treatment up to this day for result and postural maintenance. The patient does not show more signs of paresthesia and the pain have been reduced. The patient was satisfied because he could practice Tamboréu without feeling pain once again.

Case 1: Production manager, Karate instructor, 39 years old.
Main Injury: L4-L5 and L5-S1 disc protrusions.

The patient showed irradiated lumbar pain in the posterior area of left thigh and lower thoracic pain in right side for two years; its initial intensity was high. The pain had started after pushing the couch on. He was withdrawn from work for a month. He performed conventional physiotherapy sessions and his pain was relieved, though it was still felt while standing or stretching his back after waking up.

He started RPG and Sohier treatments in August/2014, attending the sessions until May/2015. After 20 sessions, he felt no more pain and completed the remaining sessions for result maintenance, and posture correction as well.

The patient was very satisfied after the treatment; as such results affected his work and Karate classes for better, which he could perform the latter without feeling pain.